ciao, I'm pleased to inform you that i have successfully passed my full licence. yay now i can drive anyone anytime legally... not that its ever stoped me before, but now i do it guilt free.
i celebrated with an afternoon of shopping, saw a tone of things i 'wanted', but I'm currently trying to keep away from temptations as I'm planning on saving it all for when i go to China at the end of the year. let me tell you it SUCKS when you see stuff you desperately want, but you cant buy it, it SUCKS to save, it SUCKS to get paid minimum wage, and it SUCKS to pay petrol.
i saw these really mean deep green booties with a solid wood heel that's perfect for winter, but since i live in the Southern hemisphere there's no point, one more thing that SUCKS
hand knitted scarf
leather jacket from Australia
op shop denim shirt
diy dome singlet
Moschino pants
Tony Bianco booties
on my shopping trip i found this totally fabulous cardie shrug thingy
snug and comfy, something you don't hear very often in fashion
it even has studs in random places... unclear on if i like that
we then went back to S's place for food and a movie... an Olsen classic, 'A Trip to Paris' typical 90's awful shoes- straw embellished platform sandals, bad hair, fugly hats, and dorky plastic jewellery. it reminded me of the fugly shoes i posted a week back.
S and I reminessed about our trip to France through the whole movie when ever we saw something familiar... ahhh good times